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Our Story

When major supplement brands launched their turkesterone and ecdysterone products, we too were skeptical, yet excited. This led to one of our cofounders who holds a PharmD, conducting a thorough review of all ecdysteroid literature, where we discovered 3 interesting facts:

1. Virtually no turkesterone supplementation research exists in humans.

2 Ecdysteroids have very limited oral absorption of about 1%, yet all existing products were formulated as oral capsules.

3. 20-hydroxyecdysone (aka ecdysterone) is undergoing clinical trials as a medication for muscle wasting disease and is showing promising results.

We were particularly interested in the last point, if ecdysterone is seen as a potential therapeutic treatment for patients with muscle wasting diseases, we wanted to know the potential benefits these supplements could have when properly formulated in athletes and lifters.

Using our expertise in pharmacokinetics and formulations to improve upon the existing products on the market, we teamed up with one of the largest transdermal manufacturers in all of Europe to create the first product of its kind on the market. Using our transdermal patch technology our Ecdysterone Patches are able to bypass the liver's first-pass effect and improve bioavailability.